Not everyone likes vegetables. I was one of those people. Their bitter taste and strange looks were not appetizing at all for me when I was younger. But now I have learned to love vegetables, and they’ve made such a difference to my health! I realize now that not all veggies are bitter. Some are full of flavor and nutrient-packed. If you’re a keen bean at the gym, vegetables can also help provide energy and all of the vitamins you need for fat-loss/muscle gain.

For those who plan to eat vegetables to help achieve their gym goals, vegetables like broccoli and asparagus are key. Making use of gym equipment helps your body to process the nutrients in veg more easily, so if you’re thinking of getting into better shape, you should check out your local gym options. For instance, Hirefitness are now supplying in Scotland, and similarly there could be gym equipment hire options near you too, helping you to achieve your fitness goals faster and with more energy!

If you do not know how to get started, I understand your struggle. You may also be thinking what is the issue when you could just add supplements such as lypo spheric vitamin c or iron tablets to your diet to help you with getting the correct nutrients into your diet. Sometimes though it can be better to get these naturally from vegetables. With the variety of options out there, here are the top vegetables you can not afford to ignore:


I always feel amazed every time I see seaweed. Its color is appealing to the eyes. I was also surprised by its nutrient content. Recognized as one of the few plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids, it can improve eye health, among many other health benefits. Of course, you should lead a healthy lifestyle to maintain good eyesight. As you age, common eye ailments like cataracts would require treatment at SharpeVision or other similar eye hospitals.

Apart from omega-3 fatty acids, seaweed is rich in iodine, playing a significant role in thyroid function. It also contains chlorophyll that has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Seaweed is available in different types, including wakame, kelp, spirulina, nori, and sea lettuce. Spirulina is my favorite.


Cheap and highly accessible, many people overlook spinach. But do not underestimate this leafy green vegetable. From calcium, iron, antioxidants to vitamins, spinach is nutrient-packed. With its calcium content, spinach is a perfect food when it comes to a dairy-free and meat-free diet. For example, a cup of spinach contains seven calories, water, vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, antioxidants, iron, folate, and magnesium.

I enjoy adding spinach in smoothies, sandwiches, and salads. Sometimes, I mix it with soups and pasta dishes. Spinach is incredibly flexible. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you will love spinach.


Another healthful vegetable is cauliflower. A cup of cauliflower is composed of fiber, 27 calories, vitamin K, and vitamin C. According to the American Heart Association, adults need 25 grams of fiber to promote both gut and heart health. Cauliflower can meet your daily fiber intake and needs.

Fruits and vegetables can also ensure that you replenish the lost energy after a workout session. Like broccoli, cauliflower is rich in indole-3-carbinol, a potent type of antioxidant. Experts have confirmed this compound fight off certain cancers. What I like about cauliflower is that we could turn it into cauliflower rice. Sometimes, I use it as a pizza base for a comforting treat. I also tried cauliflower in curries.


If you have cooked cauliflower the previous day and are searching for another leafy green vegetable, I’d suggest kale. Kale is famous for a reason. People love it because of its earthy and strong taste with some crunchiness. It is dense with nutrients. Every cup of raw kale provides vitamins K, A, and C.

A 2008 study revealed that males who drink kale juice every day for almost three months reduced their low-density lipoprotein by 10%. Their level of high-density lipoprotein, commonly known as good cholesterol, increased by 27%.

Similar to spinach, you may like baby kale in your sandwiches, salads, pasta dishes, and other meals for your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

Whether you have relatives or friends who are good at cooking, you can ask them for some help.

Bell Peppers

Bell pepper is another top veggie you can include in different dishes, from pizzas to barbecues. It is a very flexible ingredient indeed.

A bell pepper has been loved by many because of its rich flavors. Sometimes, it is sweet and strong. I like the hot and strong one.

Bell pepper is of high nutritional value. It is packed with folate, beta carotene, calories, vitamin C, vitamin B6, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, and carotenoids. Speaking of folate, people with MTHFR mutation may have a hard time converting folate into a usable form. Additionally, such people might also have problems removing toxins from their bodies. Such scenarios can be avoided by taking additional supplements that are appropriate to their body. After taking these supplements for a substantial amount of time, one can compare the toxicity levels in their body (which would probably be less) against what they were before.

Coming back to bell peppers, aside from being paired with barbecues and pizzas, I love to add them in a simple scrambled egg recipe, salad, and even pasta sometimes.


Another vegetable that is not hard to fall in love with is a pea. It is starchy and sweet. Peas are rich in protein, fiber, and vitamin B.

Green peas are vegan-friendly as they are a great source of plant-based protein. If you are vegetarian, green peas should not be excluded from your diet. While people have them roasted, you could add them to your soup, curries, risottos, and some of your favorite dishes.